Gunja Seeds contain abrin, a toxalbumin, indole derivatives, anthocyanins, sterols, terpenes. Abrin causes agglutination of erythrocytes, haemolysis and enlargement of lymph glands. A nontoxic dose of abrin, isolated from the seeds of red var., exhibited a noticeable increase in antibody-forming cells, bone marrow cellularity and alpha-esterase-positive bone marrow cells. Oral administration of agglutinins, isolated from the seeds, is useful in the treatment of hepatitis and AIDS. The seed extract exhibited antischistosomal activity in male hamsters. The methanolic extract of seeds inhibited themotality of human spermatozoa.
Helps us in preventing and curing the following:
- The extract of the root of the plant is used for application to relieve eye diseases.
- The plant is also used to promote hair growth.
- The root of Abrus Precatorious is used to relieve tapeworm infestation, bilharzias, asthma and gonorrhea.
- The water extract of dried leaves of the plant is taken orally and also applied on cuts as well as swellings.
- In Siddha medicine, the white variety is used to prepare oil that is claimed to be an aphrodisiac.
Other Names:
Gunja Kala Seeds, Chirmati Black Beej, Kali Ratti, Abrus Precatorius, Kundumani, Gulugunji, Ratti, Chirmi Beads, Jequirity Bean, Rosary Pea, Crab-Eye Seed, Batrah hindi, Qulqul, Shashm, Liluwani, Raturmani, Chun hali, Gunj (Goontch), Gunja, Gunch, Gunche, Kunch, Masha, PatahikaGunjika, Gurgonje, Kunch, Kuncha, Chanothi, Gunja, Ratti, Gunchi,Ganji, Gulganju, Gulugani, Gulugunji, Gungi, Madhuka, Kenderi, Piling-Piling, Pokok Saga, Pokok tasbih, Saga, Taning bajang, Kunni, Chanoti, Gunja, Goonteh, Gunehi, Madhuyashti, Rati, Runji, Lagrigunchi, Ratak, Gunjaa, Madhuyashtika, Raktika, Rati, Gundumani, Kunyi, Kunyimni, Kundu manni, Kuntumani, Gunja, Guriginja, Guruginia, Guruvenda, Raktika, Khakshi, Qirat, Surkh, Ganchi, Guncai.
Safety Information:
- For Natural Taste & Freshness, Keep it in cool and dry place.
- Avoid direct Sunlight & Do not Refrigerate.
- Store the contents in an Airtight Container after opening the package.
- All herbal medicine should be used under Medical Supervision only.