Nirmali Supari Seeds are acrid, alexipharmic, lithotripter, and cure strangury, urinary discharges, and head diseases. According to the Unani system of medicine, seeds are bitter, astringent to bowels, aphrodisiac, tonic, diuretic, and good for liver and kidney complaints, gonorrhea, and colic.
It is used for water purification since time immemorial. By pouring it a little in a vessel filled with water, the whole mess of water settles down. Due to which the water becomes clear or clean. Therefore it is called Nirmali. Mainly found in India and Sri Lanka. In India, it is found in deciduous forests of West Bengal, Madhya Pradesh, South India up to a height of 1200 meters, in Central India, Konkani and Maharashtra.
Helps us in preventing and curing the following:
- Nirmali is beneficial in the problem of excessive thirst, eye disease, urinary disease.
- Nirmali is very beneficial in all types of stomach worms, stomach ache, stone problem or cold and cold.
- it is used to cure tender vomiting, diabetes, vata Dosha, swelling, wounds or leprosy.
- The Nirmali Supari Seeds of Strychnos potatorum are rubbed in a clean stone and the paste is applied as collyrium (Anjana) to treat various eye diseases.
- Nirmali Supari Seeds are used to purify water. Seeds are rich source of polysaccharide gum suitable for use in paper and textile industries.
- According to Unani system of medicine, seeds are bitter, astringent to bowels, aphrodisiac, tonic, diuretic and good for liver, kidney complaints, gonorrhea, colic etc.
Other Names:
Katak, payah, Prasadini, Strychnos potatorum, Nirmala.
Safety Information:
- For Natural Taste & Freshness, Keep it in cool and dry place.
- Avoid direct Sunlight & Do not Refrigerate.
- Store the contents in an Airtight Container after opening the package.
- All herbal medicine should be used under Medical Supervision only.