Ushba Herb root – Desi Jadi Buti has extensive medicinal uses. As the traditional medicine, it is used to treat leprosy, tumors, cancer, psoriasis and rheumatism. Herb is also used as tonic for anemia and skin diseases. Ushwa Herb is reported to have anti-inflammatory, testosterogenic, aphrodisiac and progesterogenic effects.
Ushwa Herb is a perennial woody climber with tendrils, thin branches and extended ovate leaves that grows about 4 to 5 meters vertically. Its paper-like leaves are pinnate veined, leathery and alternatively arranged. The leaves’ width ranges from 10 to 30 cm and the petioles’ length is about 5 cm. It is known for its small red berries with 2 or 3 seeds and small green flowers. The flowers are radials symmetrical, dioeciously and have umbel inflorescence of 12 flowers.
Helps us in preventing and curing the following:
- The roots contain steroidal saponins which are an effective treatment for many cases of psoriasis.
- It also has hormonal effects, and may improve fertility in women with ovarian dysfunction.
- It is used to treat leprosy, tumors, cancer, psoriasis and rheumatism.
- Ushwa Herb is also used as tonic for anemia and skin diseases.
- Ushwa Herb is reported to have anti-inflammatory, testosterogenic, aphrodisiac and progesterogenic effects.
Other Names:
Kumarika, Luan ye ba qia, Mexican Sarsaparilla, Salsepareille mexican , Stechwinde, Guti, Jangli Ushbah, Ushva, Ushba, Smilax medica Sch, Ushba , Vanamadhusnahi, Ushba Maghrabi, Ushva,Smilax Medica.
Safety Information:
- For Natural Taste & Freshness, Keep it in cool and dry place.
- Avoid direct Sunlight & Do not Refrigerate.
- Store the contents in an Airtight Container after opening the package.
- All herbal medicine should be used under Medical Supervision only.